Thursday, February 24, 2011

Street lighting trial

Mr Barlow has written this article about a street lighting trial and, as usual. contributes his own, unique blend of ignrance and sarcasm disguised as wit.

This is what I have posted in reply; let's see if the Express publishes it or censors it.

A few seconds on the Cheshire East site produced this:

"Street Lighting Energy Saving Trial in Wilmslow

As part of Cheshire East Council’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions and energy usage, it is intended to carry out a series of short term trials in the Thorngrove Road, Longmeade Gardens and Cragside Way residential area of Wilmslow, starting in the first week of February 2011.

Phase one of the trial will involve switching-off 80% of the street lights in the area between the hours of 11pm and 6am, leaving 20% lit as normal, at road junctions and remote footpaths, in order to provide minimum lighting. This will reduce the energy consumption of each lamp by 50% and will produce a combined carbon emission saving for the scheme of 4.22 tonnes per year.

Phase two of the trial will involve including the other 20% of lamps in the switching-off trial between the hours of 11pm and 6am with resultant increased savings.

The Council welcomes feedback from individuals and service providers affected by the trials and this feedback will help determine future policies within the Council.  Your feedback can be provided by one of the following means:-
Online using the Street Lighting Questionnaire.
By telephone: 0300 123 5020, or
By letter to: Cheshire East Council, Street Lighting Trials, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 1HZ

The roads affected are:- Thorngrove Road, Thorngrove Hill, Thorngrove Drive, Longmeade Gardens, Land Lane and Public Footpath, Cragside Way, Burnside Close, Leaside Way, Glenside Drive and Croftside Way."

Seems quite reasonable to me.

It's a TRIAL, which means that it is being tried out.

Minimum lighting is being maintained.

There are multiple ways to express a view about this.

Also anyone can call the council or their Councillor to talk about this.

What did they say when you called them Mr Barlow?

You did call them, didn't you?

Update: Well, well, well, the Express has started publishing my posts again. Now, let's see if they will control  the inevitable responses from Mr Barlow's puppets and disciples. Cue "David Davies"........

Update 2. 1 point on the puppet bingo sheet. It's "Junior" who has appeared this time